Flower Pens

Here’s another great project that takes very little supplies and not a whole lot of time. Gotta love those types of crafts! 🙂

Let’s meet our Cast of Characters:

  • Artificial Flowers
  • Ballpoint Pens
  • Floral Tape
  • Small Flower Pot
  • Beans, Rice, Sand (basically anything that can give you some weight)

STEP 1: Cut flowers so that the length is 2/3 the size of the pens you are using (or less). It’s optional whether or not you’d like to keep any leaves attached for your pens. I chose to so that it adds some volume and “realness” to the project.

STEP 2: Line up the end of the pen with the base of the flower. Begin wrapping the floral tape around both to form one piece. Note: this can be the trickiest part of the project so don’t be discouraged if it’s hard to get the 2 to stay still while wrapping the tape around them.

Keep wrapping the floral tape around the pen until you reach the tip of the pen. I find it’s easiest to hold the pen/flower in place and move the tape around them. I also choose to add extra tape around the point where the stem of the flower ends on the pen so it’s not a sharp point (wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt now would we??)

Depending on whether or not you kept your leaves in tact, and whether you have the patience (and desire) to wrap around the leaves, you can either push the leaves all the way up to the base of the flower or leave them lower on the pen flower. As you can see my flowers had 2 different styles of leaves. One I left to the base and the other I lowered on the pen and wrapped around.

Continue wrapping your remaining pens with this same technique.

STEP 3: Fill your flower pot with desired item to create weight. I used pinto beans.

STEP 4: Insert flower pens into your flower pot for a more realistic effect.

Happy writing! 🙂

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