Back to School Pencil Treat

The Perfect Pencil for Back to School

Back to School Pencil Snacks

Ready to learn how to make the perfect pencil for back to school? These cute treats are so easy to make.

Supplies for Back to School Pencil Snacks

Gather Your Supplies

  • Chocolate Chips or Raisins
  • Popcorn
  • Goldfish or Similar Crackers
  • Hershey Kisses
  • Pink Starbursts
  • Icing Bags
  • Ribbon
Step 1 Back to School Pencil Snack

Step 1:

Start by adding 4-5 chocolate chips or raisins to the icing bag to create the “lead” of the pencil.

Step 2 Back to School Pencil Snack

Step 2:

Add 3-4 pieces of popcorn on top of the chocolate chips/raisins to create the exposed wood of the pencil.

Step 3 Back to School Pencil Snack

Step 3:

Fill the bulk of the icing bag with Goldfish Crackers. This creates the painted portion of the pencil.

Gluten Free Crackers for Back to School Pencil Snack

If you need a gluten-free option, I found these crackers called Pop Mmms.

Step 4:

Add 7-8 Hershey Kisses on top of the crackers to create the metal band that holds the pencil eraser.

Step 5:

Finally add 9-10 pink Starbursts to create the eraser portion of your pencil.

Step 6:

Tie your “pencil” closed with some ribbon or twine. Add a tag too, if you’d like.

Here I have both a gluten and a gluten-free pencil. It’s easy enough to create either version. And in no time at all you’ll have the perfect pencil for back to school.

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